november 3, 2024

God’s grace, His patience

ptr. jojo fernandez

main passage

1 timothy 1:15-17

we are encouraged, like timothy, to be faithful in the ministry with which God had entrusted him, and us
all we have to do is trust God to provide us with the right words to say!

fat – faithful, available, teachable

this should give hope to everyone who seeks to win people to Christ and to help them grow in Christ!

every act of worship, service, and dedication to God reflects the glory He deserves
our lives, transformed by grace, become testimonies of His love

no one is beyond God’s reach, and His mercy and grace are sufficient for every sinner who believes

let us reflect on God’s love with gratitude, knowing that we too, are recipients of His boundless mercy, and let this knowledge inspire us to worship Him with our whole hearts!