january 21, 2024
the loudest yes
bro. mark daiz
main passage
acts 8:31-30; 34
being a christian does not end in accepting the Lord Jesus in your life
it is just the beginning
you have to become like philip, so you can respond
- full of Spirit
- renewed heart/undivided heart
- dedication and commitment to have intimate worship and relationship with the Lord (mark 1:35)
- full of wisdom
be a philip to everyone for we were all once like the eunuch
- stepping out of our comfort zone offers unlimited growth in our ministry
- until Jesus comes again, there will always be a soul to be saved (mark 24:14)
action speaks louder than words
philip’s yes to Lord’s command was not a “yes” word. it’s an immediate action. so he arose and went (acts 8:27)