december 1, 2024

el único Mediador

ptr. jojo fernandez

main passage

1 timothy 2:5-7

for those who do not yet have a personal relationship with the Lord, we must rest in Christ’s finished work on the cross, rejecting the belief that deceased people are capable of interceding for us!

recognize and worship the one true God, rejecting idolatry and acknowledging His supreme authority in all areas of life!

trust in the Mediator if you haven’t already placed your faith in Christ
celebrate His sacrifice through gratitude and obedience

for all believers, acknowledge the universal offer of salvation, and our responsibility to proclaim it
live as redeemed people, reflecting gratitude and purpose in our daily walk!

embrace the urgency and privilege of sharing the gospel with others
proclaim His truth in our spheres of influence, fulfilling our role as an ambassador of Christ!

embrace the urgency and privilege of sharing the gospel with others
proclaim His truth in our spheres of influence, fulfilling our role as an ambassador of Christ!
be bold in sharing the gospel with others!