welcome to lbacf, a community-based evangelical church rooted in faith, hope, and love
as lbacf stands for laguna belair christian fellowship, we are also a loving, believing, accepting, caring, and forgiving church.
through worship, fellowship, and service, we aim to spread God’s love and make a meaningful impact in our local community, and by God’s grace, globally.
together, we seek to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ, fostering a spirit of unity, compassion, and grace as we journey together in faith for His glory.
together let us plant the seed of hope and truth
to learn more…
our mission is to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, nurturing spiritual growth in our congregation, and serving our community.
as a church, we envision a future where:
- every community experiences the transformative power of God’s love and grace.
- our congregation is a place of worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth that equips individuals to live out their faith in their daily lives.
- we actively engage in outreach and service projects to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our local community and beyond.
- we continue to grow and adapt to effectively share the message of Jesus Christ in an ever-changing world.
- our church remains a beacon of hope, a source of support, and a center for worship and learning for generations to come.
all for His glory.
- glorify God emphasizes the central focus on worship and honoring God
- loving and serving our community highlights the church’s commitment to outreach and community engagement
- nurturing the faith of our members underscores the importance of spiritual growth and support within the congregation
- spreading the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ articulates the church’s evangelistic purpose
- transforming lives through God’s love a thriving, diverse, and welcoming community of believers, deeply rooted in faith, and making a positive impact through evangelism, discipleship and missions
lbacf exists to…
- magnify and glorify God through worship
- fortify and expand the membership
- educate God’s people for maturity
- equip and edify members for ministry
- emphasize the significance of mission through evangelism
our statement of faith
we believe in the one true God, who created the whole created beings; angels, universe, earth and man
deuteronomy 6:4; psalms 148:2; genesis 1-2; acts 17:23-24
that God exist in three persons
matthew 28:19; 2 corinthians 13:14
the Father is God
john 6:27, 35, 53
Jesus Christ is God
hebrews 1:8, 10-12
Holy Spirit is God
acts 5:3-4
we believe the bible is the very Word of God
colossians 1:25; 1 thessalonians 2:13
revealing Himself to humankind
john 1:14-18; john 14:6-9; hebrews 1:1-3
a special revelation of God in written form (inspired words) by Holy Spirit-led human authors
2 timothy 3:15-17; john 5:39-40; john 14:25-26; 1 corinthians 2:13; 2 peter 1:20-21
is without error as originally given by God
matthew 5:17-18; matthew 22:29-33
is a divine written Word of God with authority to correct man’s behavior as well as the church; and is trustworthy, objective standard of absolute truth and reliable source of knowledge about God
matthew 5:43-48; matthew 7:28-29; matthew 28:18; matthew 15:1-6
we believe Jesus Christ is eternal (no beginning and no end)
john 1:1-2, 10, 30; john 6:38; john 17:5; psalms 2:4-12
Jesus Christ is the incarnate God (the second person in the Trinity)
john 1:14; colossians 1:15, 18; revelation 1:5; 1 corinthians 10:3-4; matthew 1:22-23; colossians 2:9
Jesus Christ is full man
galatians 4:4; matthew 1:22-23; isaiah 7:14; luke 3:23; 1 peter 2:24; 1 john 1:1-3
we believe the Holy Spirit is God (the third person in the Trinity)
matthew 28:19; john 14:16-17; 2 corinthians 13:14; hebrews 10:15-17; acts 5:3-4
in His personhood as a counselor, comforter, consoler and advocate
john 14:16, 26; john 15:26; john 16:7, 13; 1 john 2:1; romans 8:26; 1 corinthians 2:13; romans 8:14
He dwells in every true believer of Christ (permanent indwelling) and empowers them with every gift
john 14:17; 1 corinthians 6:19; acts 1:8; ephesians 5:18; galatians 5:16-25; romans 8:4-6
we believe that man is made up of three unique beings – body, spirit and soul
1 thessalonians 5:23; genesis 2:7; 1 corinthians 15:45-50
man was created good
genesis 1:26-31; psalms 8:4-8; ezekiel 28:16a
man was created with a capacity to choose between right and wrong
1 john 2:16-17; 1 timothy 2:14-15; 1 corinthians 10:13; galatians 5:13; john 7:17
man fell into temptation and became sinner by nature
genesis 3:6; romans 5:18-19; isaiah 53:6a; romans 3:23; ezekiel 28:16b
we believe sin is what separates man from God
isaiah 59:2; genesis 3:23-24; ephesians 2:1-3, 12; colossians 1:21
because of sin, man is cursed and destined for eternal damnation
genesis 2:16-17; genesis 3:14-19; romans 5:12, 16; ezekiel 18:4; 2 thessalonians 1:8-9
we believe man is lost and is incapable of saving himself
romans 3:10-18, 20, 23; ephesians 2:1-3; luke 18:23-26
man needs deliverance from sin and eternal damnation
hebrews 9:22; 1 peter 1:18-19
salvation can only come from God through faith in Jesus Christ
john 3:16; romans 6:23; ephesians 2:8-9; john 14:6; 1:12; titus 3:5; galatians 3:26; romans 5:1; hebrews 9:22; 1 peter 1:18-19; 2 timothy 1:12
results of salvation are justification, forgiveness, regeneration, sanctification, eternal life with Christ, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, becoming citizens of heaven, adopted as a child of God, co-heir with Christ, blessed with every spiritual blessing, eternal security, assurance of salvation, destined to be glorified and conformed to Christ
romans 5:1; 9; romans 8:1; john 3:3-8; romans 15:16; 1 john 5:10-12; ephesians 1:13; 1 corinthians 3:16; philippians 3:20; galatians 4:1-7; romans 8:17; ephesians 1:3; john 10:25-30; 1 john 5:11-13; revelation 22:1-6
we believe the true church is composed of people that are called out from the world and called to serve God’s purpose in the world
ephesians 4:10-13
Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone and head
1 peter 2:6-7; ephesians 1:22
true believers are members of His Body
1 corinthians 12:12-14; ephesians 3:6; galatians 3:28
with the church’s God-given purposes:
- to make disciples and obey the great commission – matthew 28:18-20; acts 1:8; acts 2:42
- to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit – colossians 1:28
- to gather together – acts 6:4
- to continue the ministry of Christ in the world – john 17:13-26
- to promote righteousness in the world – 1 peter 2:11-12
- to continually cleanse the body of believers from sins and false teachings – matthew 18:15-20; 1 corinthians 3:1-9
- to bless and glorify God – ephesians 1:12; 1 peter 4:8-11
we believe God gave only two ordinances to be observed by the church during the present age. they are, however, not to be regarded as means of salvation
- water baptism by immersion
matthew 28:19; acts 2:38, 41; colossians 2:12; matthew 3:13-17 - Lord’s Supper or communion
1 corinthians 11:23-25; matthew 26:26-30; mark 14:22-26; luke 22:19-20
we believe that the mosaic law still holds significant value in the new age with the principle of love summarized by Jesus Christ in the new testament.
while the mosaic law provided a framework for living in righteousness, Jesus emphasized the importance of love as the fulfillment and all-encompassing principle of the law.
matthew 22:37-40
this declaration by Jesus elevates the commandments of love above all else, encapsulating the essence of the mosaic law. it emphasizes the importance of loving God wholeheartedly and treating others with the same love and respect we have for ourselves.
in summary, the declaration that love fulfills the law is a timeless principle that holds significant value in the new age, guiding us to live in accordance with the teachings of Christ and the spirit of the mosaic law.